It is always sad to leave behind something you spent so much time on and that so many people (thank-fully) appreciated, but it is time for me to say good-bye to Lace Knickers and to you, thank-you so much for reading my rambles. At the moment I'm toying with the idea of starting a new blog over at Word press as I love their platform so much more than Blogger so you may find me there sometime soon However for the time being I'm still on Twitter here and Nuji here.
I feel that I should explain my decision to leave, firstly after using Word press for my Fashion Studio blog I fell in love with the clean well designed layout and the community there, although Bloggers community is pretty great in it's self. Also Bloggers bloody blue bar at the top is just so ugly, it's always aggravated me. But.... Also this blog is very much who I used to be rather than who I am now, the post's became harder and harder to write as I lost intrest in what my blog was about and how it written. You must always stay true to you're original readers but I can't horrible but true. I'm still young and my ideas, opinions and beliefs are continuously changing as well as my interests. This is the best I can do. The blog will stay online until the world changes just incase when I'm older I want to highly embarrass myself and have a flick through. So once again thank you and ta-ta!
Love Me!